Learn JavaScript - Variables, Strings, Types

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Perform these exercises in the JavaScript console of your favorite web browser.

What does the following expression return?

3 + 2;

3 and 2 are called operands and + is the operator.

What does the following expression return?


There are a handful of data types in JavaScript (number, string, boolean, object, and undefined). Notice that there is only a single data type for numbers, not separate data types for integers and floating point numbers like some other languages.

What does the following expression return?

typeof(3) === typeof(4.32);

3 is a "number" and 4.32 is a "number" as well, so the equality comparison of the types returns true. JavaScript has the same data type for integer and floating point numbers.

What does the following expression return?

5 / 0;

Infinity is a very large number in JavaScript that is bigger than the biggest number JavaScript can represent. Technically, division by zero should return undefined, but this is a JavaScript quirk.

What does the following expression return?

3 / "bob";

NaN stands for "not a number" and is returned when a mathematical operation cannot yield a numeric result.

What does the following expression return?

NaN === NaN;

NaN is not equal to any other value, including itself.

What does the following expression return?


NaN has a "number" type.

What does the following expression return?


The isNaN method returns false if the argument is a number and true otherwise. isNaN returns true if the argument is NaN.

What does the following expression return?

Math.pow(2, 3);

This expression represents 2 raised to the power of 3. The Math object contains methods to assist with common mathematical operations.

Describe how the following expression assigns a variable to a value.

var first_name = "cindy";

The var keyword is used to declare a variable. In this case the var keyword declares the variable first_name. Additionally, this expression assigns the variable to the value "cindy".

What is the value of the hello variable in the following expression?

var hello;

When a keyword is declared, but not assigned to any value, its value is undefined.

What does the following expression return?

var y;
y === "cool";

The variable y has been declared, but it has not been assigned to anything, so its value is undefined. When undefined is compared with the string "cool" with the === equality operator, the return value is false.

What does the following expression return?

"some" + " person";
"some person"

"some" and "person" are the operands and + is the operator. When the operands are strings, the + operator performs string concatenation.

What does the following expression return?

> var first = "Bart";
> var last = "Simpson";
> first + " " + last
"Bart Simpson"

In this example, three strings are concatenated.

What does the following expression return?


The length property of strings returns the number of characters in a string.

What does the following expression return? Explain the answer.

"phat" === "phat";

The === operator considers two strings equal if they both have the same length and the same characters in the same order.

What does the following expression return?


"string" is one of the fundamental types in the JavaScript language. The other fundamental types are numbers, booleans, objects, and undefined.

What does the following expression return?

3 + "bob"

JavaScript cannot add a number and a string without converting the number to a string first. JavaScript converts 3 to "3" and then concatenates the two strings. 3 can be converted to "3" with this code: String(3);

Round the number 4.87 to the nearest integer.


Divide the number 6 by the string "2" and explain the result.

6 / "2" // returns 3

JavaScript cannot divide a number by a string, so it first converts the string to a number, and then performs the division. The string "2" can be converted to a number with this code Number("2"); Many programming languages raise exceptions for type mismatches, but JavaScript aggressively converts types instead.

What does the following expression return? Explain the result.

3 * "bob";

JavaScript attempts to convert "bob" to a number so multiplication can be performed, but the string "bob" cannot be converted to a number. Number("bob") returns NaN. 3 multiplied by NaN also returns NaN.

Declare the variables x and y.

var x, y;
// OR
var x;
var y;

Set the variable hobby to the string "programming".

var hobby = "programming";

What does the following expression return?

var sport; 
sport === undefined

A variable that has been declared, but has not been assigned to any value equals undefined.

Demonstrate that "brogrammer" has the type "string".
