Introduction to Booleans

JavaScript has two boolean values: true and false.

console.log(true); // prints the boolean value true to the console
console.log(false); // prints the boolean value false to the console

Boolean conditions are statements that return true or false (i.e. statements that return boolean values). Here is an example of a boolean condition that returns true:

Boolean(2 < 5); // true

The same boolean condition can be written with this shorthand notation:

2 < 5; // true

Boolean conditions can also return false:

Boolean(2 > 5); // false
2 > 5; // false

Booleans conditions can be used to see if two numbers are the same:

console.log(44 === 44); // true because the numbers are equal

Boolean conditions can be used to assess if two strings are the same:

console.log("bob" === "sam"); // false

The string "bob" is different from the string "sam", so the boolean condition returns false. The boolean condition returns true if the strings are the same:

console.log("aaa" === "aaa"); // true
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What are the two boolean values in the JavaScript programming language?

true and false

What does the following expression print to the console?

console.log(Boolean(3 > 1));

The number 3 is greater than the number 1, so the boolean condition returns true. Boolean conditions are statements that return true or false.

What does the following expression print to the console?

console.log(4 === 4);

The number 4 equals the number 4, so the boolean condition returns true.

What does the following expression print to the console?

console.log("cat" === "cat");

The string "cat" is the same as the other string "cat", so the boolean condition returns true.

What does the following expression print to the console?

console.log("fork" === "plate");

The string "fork" is different than the string "plate", so the boolean condition returns false.

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