Math Object

Object properties can be assigned to functions, and these functions can take arguments. Here's the start of a MyMath object:

var MyMath = {
  add: function(x, y) {
    return(x + y);
console.log(MyMath.add(3, 4)); // 7

The MyMath object has an add property that is invoked with two arguments, x and y.

Let's add another property to the MyMath object called pow. Pow should return the first argument to the exponent of the second argument.

var MyMath.pow = function(x, y) {
  var i = 0;
  var result = 1;
  while(i < y) {
    result = result * x;

console.log(MyMath.pow(2, 4)); // 16

JavaScript comes with a built-in Math object that operates similarly to the MyMath object we've constructed:

Math.pow(2, 5); // 32
MyMath.pow(2, 5); // 32

The Math object can be used to find the largest or smallest value in a series of numbers:

Math.max(22, 95, 44); // 95
Math.min(22, 95, 44); // 22

The Math object stores important constant values, like PI:

Math.PI; // 3.141592653589793

Make sure to investigate the Math object when doing mathematical operations with JavaScript.

Question Click to View Answer

What does the following code return?

Math.min(8, 2, 34);


The smallest value out of all the arguments is 2.

What does the following code return?



The Math.sqrt() method takes the square root of the argument.

What does the following code return?



The Math.round() method rounds the number to the nearest integer.

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